Garnett Allied Council No.8
The third team visit of the season found the West Lancashire District Officers in the wild north, Lancaster to be precise. They were there to visit Garnett Council which meet at the Masonic Hall, Rowley Court, Scotforth, nr. Lancaster, for those who have never been to Rowley Court it is situated on the A6 opposite The Boot and Shoe hostelry. On Monday January 8th.a goodly number of Allied Masons arrived at Rowley Court on a dark and damp winters evening to attend Garnett Councils Installation meeting.
West Lancs District Team
The council was opened by the Worshipful Master Brother Robert Alexander McMillan at 7.00PM and the domestic business of the council completed. On a report the District Grand Director of Ceremony Worshipful Brother Raymond Pye Grand Steward entered the council and announced The Right Worshipful District Grand Prefect and his District Team were without and requested admission. The District Director of Ceremony called the Brethren to order and Right Worshipful Brother Graham Paul Snape and his District Team entered in processional order. The District Grand Prefect, occupied the Master Chair and after the salutations introduced his District Team
along with One Right Worshipful Brother, Three Very Worshipful Brethren, and Ten Grand Officers.
An extra item on the agenda was to Admit Brother Graham Ashley Rotherham a member of Garnett Council to the degree of Grand Tilers of Solomon. The Worshipful Master adjourned the Lodge of St. Lawrence and opened the degree of Grand Tilers. The degree was conducted by nine members of Garnett Council under the watchful eye of Very Worshipful Brother Peter Mason Past Grand Registrar, the council Director of Ceremony. The key roles were occupied by Worshipful Brother Ian S.O. Kennon Past Grand Standard Bearer, Worshipful Brother Graham Ingleby Past Grand Standard Bearer and Worshipful Brother Stephen G. Pemberton Past Grand Junior Deacon and were carried out in an exemplary manner. The jewel in this degree was invested by W.Bro. Kennon. and the lecture was delivered by Bro. McMillan W.M. of the council.
D.G.P., Bro. Heath W.M.,with the I.P.M. W. Bro. McMillan
The Degree of St. Lawrence was resumed and W.Bro. Mason presented Brother Frank Howard Heath council Senior Warden and Master Elect to the Worshipful Master for Installation. Brother McMillan W.M. then conducted an excellent Ceremony of Installation. After the proclamation, those Brethren that had been asked to retire re-entered the lodge and acknowledged their new Worshipful Master. Brother Heath W.M. then Appointed and Invested his officers for the ensuing year.
At the risings The Right Worshipful District Grand Prefect gave the greeting and congratulations of the Grand and District Grand Officers present. The District Grand Director of Ceremony called the Brethren to order whilst the Right Worshipful District Grand Prefect accompanied by his District Officers retired in processional order.
D.G.P., Bro Rotherham, W.M. & I.P.M. W.Bro. McMillan
The Worshipful Master Closed the Council and after the now usual photo shoot repaired to the bar for a refreshing and well-earned pre-dinner drink. The Brethren were
then called to the dining room and partook of a delightful three course meal followed by coffee / tea. The Toast in the Allied Degree tend not to be too long and the responses equally so. In his response to the toast to his health the District Grand Prefect gave us the latest news of our Grand Master, he again complemented the Brethren of Garnett Council on the warm of their hospitality and congratulated all those who had taken part in both ceremonies. The Worshipful Master suitably responded to the toast to his health. The labours and refreshment of the evening being over we made our way home another splendid evening of Allied Masonry over.
Report and photos by Ernie Gavan